Kokorokon Drag Show
Creatures & Cuties
This is the 2nd annual Kokorokon Drag Show hosted by Creatures & Cuties with their MC Arius.
This year there will be two performances, an 18+ evening show, and an all-ages show.
This is an event you'd want to experience for yourselves firsthand. If you aren't familiar with how it works, don't worry the host and their performers got you covered and they will explain how it works!
Schedule of Events
All Ages Show: Friday - Time TBD
18+ Show: Saturday - Time TBD
Lou Kiss
While he debuted in mime, Lou Kiss has been known to alao grace the stage with electroswing, draglesque, and many many sea shanties. So many sea shanties. In addition to performing on several St. Louis stages, Lou Kiss has also performed in several local cons as a cosplay king as well as Pride Night STL and Tower Grove Pride. Be sure to follow him on Facebook and also TheLouKiss on Instagram and TikTok
Chris P. Whitemeat
A junk food-obsessed hipster demon from central Illinois, and he’s eager to show you what’s in the deep-fryer! Chris P. has performed an assortment of drag shows over the last year+ bringing performances that are emotional, zany, nerdy, and freaky, but altogether best described as “unhinged”. When off-duty, Chris is a fashion designer, cosplayer, and nonbinary host of Brûlée the hauscat, and can be found eating Korean fried chicken tacos and taking naps on rainy days.
Vincent Vandal
formerly VampyrVixen, is a St. Louis based award-winning cosplayer turned drag demon-creature. He premiered at this very convention last year and has been honing his skills on being an absolute terror. He's spent this past year between the cons hitting the stage at local venues and bars, cracking many eggs in the process. While not working on drag or cosplay, you can find him infodumping about his Fallout OCs, drawing eldritch horrors, or DIYing yet another vest he absolutely does not need. He has no spoons, only knives and if you thought he was feral before, you should see him now.
Rocky St. Moore
With the memory of a goldfish, the cackle of a witch, and the lungs of an asthmatic, Rocky St. Moore is a colorful, loud, wacky individual. A drag perfomer from Saint Louis Missouri, she is well versed in camp and comedy, performing at drag bars around the area. Her favorite things to do when she's not performing are taking her Zoloft, playing Mario Kart, and never shutting up about Star Wars.
Joaquin Deadman
A gothy theater kid who has been on the cosplay scene for well over 10 years. This bard will whisk you away with his storytelling and show you such sights you've never seen before. But worry not, as a renowned 'Emotional Support Himbo', you are in very safe and capable hands. While Celebrating his first year as a founder and co-producer of the Shinjuku Strays Cabaret, he hopes to bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye, and give you a performance you will not soon forget.
Tokio Night
The renowned Boylesque-Wonder, enter Tokio Night! Tokio is an Asian-American, queer Neo-Boylesque Performer and Veteran, Former Mr. OMC 2021, as well as Founder & Co-Producer of Shinjuku Strays Cabaret! In addition to performing, he is also an illustrator, designer, Award Winning Cosplayer and Judge, and LGBTQ+ activist. Making it a mission statement of his to carve out spaces for body positivity for the queer community, he's been coined the 'anime pretty boy' of the Midwest and has the moves and looks to back it up. Follow him at @tokionightofficial on Facebook and Instagram, and get ready to meet Your Prince of Darkness...
Spank Knightly
Spank Knightly hails from Champaign-Urbana, Illinois where he began drag 5.5 years ago and has been a terrible menace ever since. He has been terrorizing venues in several cities in several states including Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Indianapolis, and Charlotte NC. He is so excited to ruin your day properly.
Cadaver Daddy-O
A St. Louis' premiere undead drag thing, haunting his way into the hearts of locals since 2017. He's since performed across the country at anime conventions, dive bars, and video rental stores, and you can find him yelling and committing crimes on the internet. Please give him your money.
Mama Cosplay
a St Louis Emmy Award winning producer, director, and emcee. She has logged thousands of hours producing, hosting and performing in drag, cabaret, theatrical, and performance art shows and events in St. Louis and beyond with a career on stage, screen, radio, and social media spanning 30 years. Mama Cosplay recently created an international online cosplay school with a current enrollment of 2300 students with instructors that help teach the basics of cosplay to creating and role playing OCs, to speaking on cosplay panels, and more. Her students nicknamed her, “Mama Cosplay, the Internet Cosplay Mom, but she’s also the Mom to 3 teens who introduced her to cosplay when they were young. Now the entire family has turned their love of cosplay into several profitable business, and they are now a family of fully sponsored cosplayers representing costume, makeup, and wig companies worldwide. Mama Cosplay is thrilled to be one of the co-hosts of this event and can’t wait to help entertain you at Kokorokon.
Information TBD