Interested in hosting a panel at Kokorokon?
You can sign up now!
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are panels?
Panels are seminars hosted by attendees and guests that cover a vast range of topics. Panels typically run an hour in length, but some run two hours, and any 18+ panels are always hosted in the latter part of the evening on Friday and Saturday.
You will be able to read up on the panels happening at Kokorokon at a later date, and when you arrive at the convention the booklet you can pick up at Registration and Con Ops will contain a full schedule and brief description of the events/panels for the entire weekend of the convention.
Who can host a panel?
Anyone over the age of 13 may submit a panel. After submitting a panel you must wait on an email with acceptance for your panel to our convention. Only those 18 or older may submit and host an 18+ panel at our convention. Panelists must have a badge to Kokorokon, and are required to pre-reg online.
What does a panelist get?
Accepted panelists who host two or more panels will receive a free badge for next year's event. All panelists get a panelist's ribbon with their badge when they arrive, as well as a short blurb about their panel both here on our website and on our social media. Have ideas on ways we can show more appreciation to panelists? Let us know by filling this short form out!
What is an 18+ panel?
18+ panels are events that happen in the later hours of Friday and Saturday, between 9pm-2am. These panels are carded, anyone without a government-issued ID will not be allowed into these panels. We do not allow anyone under the age of 18 into these events. These events typically have uncensored verbal content or mature content and are therefore not appropriate for those under the age of 18.